
【Microsoft Edge】How to Enable and Disable Sync in Edge

A person teaching Microsoft Edge

Does anyone want to know how to sync or not sync Microsoft Edge computer settings?


So in this article, I would like to explain in detail how to sync or not sync Microsoft Edge computer settings.


If you’re interested, I hope you’ll read to the end.



【Microsoft Edge】How to Enable Sync in Edge


A person teaching Microsoft Edge

If you sign in and sync with your Microsoft account, you can view your favorite and history websites from any device and use the same settings.


Here, we will introduce how to sync your computer settings with Microsoft Edge.


*The screen displayed may differ depending on the version.



Launch Microsoft Edge and click “…” and then “Settings”.




If you don’t see your Microsoft account in the list, you can choose Add new account.


Then, once you press the Sign in to sync data button, you’ll be offered the option to authenticate with any Microsoft account you may have. Moreover, if you don’t have one at all, you’ll be able to create one.


Then, you are signed in with your user account. Once authenticated, you’ll see that Microsoft Edge is “Setting up sync.” This shouldn’t take long.




Next, you may want to see more details about what Microsoft Edge is syncing, as well as adjust the syncing options available.


To do that, click or tap the Sync entry under Profile settings.





【Microsoft Edge】How to Disable Sync in Edge


A person teaching Microsoft Edge

Are you having trouble with your data being synced without your permission?


Here, we’ll show you how to stop syncing your computer settings in Microsoft Edge.


Click the “Sign Out” button that appears to the right of “Profile”.




The message “Are you sure you want to sign out?” will be displayed.


Click the “Sign out” button.




Verify that the “Sign in and sync your data” button is displayed.




That’s it.





A person teaching Microsoft Edge

Thank you for reading to the end.


Why not take this opportunity to try out the methods for syncing/not syncing your Microsoft Edge computer settings that we introduced in this article?

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